Friday, March 18, 2011

Call US And Canada With Skype


Just found out Skype isn't just for chatting on the internet but also is another alternative to calling friends and relatives from overseas, just top-up $10.00 from your Paypal and you're all set.

The rates are cheaper compared to the regular phonecard in California $4.50 per hour. And yet sometimes the phone call gets cut-off just reporting "you have 3 minutes left" That's according to my aunt who resides there.

They've got low per minute rates which are considerably cheaper too for calls from the Philippines to overseas. At the rate of .021 cents per minute, I've been calling abroad for less than a dollar for 30 minutes. The advantage too is you can hear the conversation via speaker or headset. You don't miss the important details in your phone conversation.

My personal report: I talked to my aunt in California, called her via their landline phone, using a headset and mic for myself and the speaker for the rest of the family to listen in. It was only for 12 minutes though for that first time because I mistook the rate as .21 cents instead of .021 cents. Whoops!

Then next time I logged on, the report said my credit was still $9.67. And I thought of letting my hubby try Skype in calling his "long-lost" relatives in the US who hardly get access to the internet. They talked for an uninterrupted 30 minutes for less than a dollar. The rates are the same too for calls to mobilephones in the US and Canada.

What's more, I heard they have incredibly cheap and unlimited rates in calling your country of choice. I would highly recommend it, especially because their service is hassle-free.

I hope you try it too and let me know your personal report. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Cute Cuppycake Song!

(Lyrics and Music by Judianna Castle)
is actually the chorus from Amy's version of "You're My Honeybunch"
(lyrics and music by Judianna and Buddy Castle)
The lyrics in blue make up the short version that was first uploaded to the internet in August of 1996.
Amy sings the lyrics in red as well in the complete version:
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Readers must have thought I've gone away!

Neglect, that's what I call my blogging. ooh, I'm really sorry for the followers who keep reading at the same blog post of December! My apologies!

I realize my error now of not managing my time wisely as well as my thoughts and plans wisely. I seem to have some hyperactivity of some sort, and I must submit my thoughts and pray for discipline. There were days I planned to work on something but ended up doing another.. could be just cleaning the yard then end up planting papaya trees instead. Or clearing out the attic then end up taking photos of the antiques. It's too much that honestly, leaves me tired and unaccomplished at the end of the day.

Though I have neglected posting, I am always online ... posting items on ebay and other selling sites, facebook, twitter and checking email.

I need to take it slow this week and learn to surrender my thoughts and work habits. I think it has gone all the more awry because of facebook (admit!) but I believe I can get back on track.

Happy Monday, everyone!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Malunggay Propagation - Malunggay Pods

It has been a long while since I spent some time here at the malunggay farm. I was busy with the household chores at home and the usual online things I work on.

The trees did not need that much caring these days, so I opted to just attend to usual daily stuff more than visiting the place. As you may see, these malunggay trees were left to their own devices. Not even an ounce of water except maybe from what they get from the morning dew. Yet, to my amazement, the dry season lately made them produce more flowers and more pods!Photobucket








