Monday, June 6, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

1. What is was the last piece of candy that you ate?


Safari Chocolate Bar is as good as the well-known chocolate candy bars but costs less.

2. Do you "read" in the bathroom?
Nope. Not my thing anymore.

3. I can't stand when someone _________?

Lies about a story. Especially if I know exactly what really happened because I was also
there, and the person lying maybe "forgot" that I know the truth and ignores me to just continue with his/her story.

I am always for the truth, no matter how ugly or unbecoming the truth is, I believe that someone should just tell the truth. It will make all things better in the very end.

Now you got in my thoughts there, Hannibal Lecter :)

4. Do you do daily, weekly or monthly grocery shopping?
Weekly,preferably. We used to grocery shop daily this last summer, but
now that school has officially begun and we are busy, weekly shopping is imperative.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Skywatch Friday




Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thanks To This May's Top Ten Entrecard Droppers

Can't believe that May is soon gone and here comes June! And I am so thankful for the regular droppers on my blog, you helped me in the promotions in a lot of ways.

It's been a bit hard for me recently because of my computer's poor memory, yet I'm glad I made it somehow to visit all your blogs. :)

Here's to the linkylove for you people....

Walk On Your Life
Finance For US
I For Skills Online
Texts without Photoshop
Vintage Blog myspace graphic comments
Myspace Thank You Comments & Graphics

Reading Homeschooler's Entrecard Droplist

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

The Dragon Warrior is back on screen!

Our sentimental attachment to Kung Fu Panda may come up again for this new movie Kung Fu Panda 2, for sure!

When Kung Fu Panda was first shown in 2008, we had the privilege of having a copy of its DVD a few months after. I didn't get to see it at once due to my self-confessed busy schedule. But hey, I got to listen to it every morning for 2 months when our youngest Cupcake would put the movie on the DVD player, as part of his morning ritual.

I tell you, all of us at home eventually got so excessively familiar with the lines in the movie that we could recite them ad verbatim. Each morning when my older boys went off to school, I would hear them go along:

"I just ate, so I'm still digesting, so my king fu may not be as good later on."

"One thousand guards and one prisoner... only that prisoner is Tai Lung"

"Don't worry, Master, I will never quit!"

"What are you going to do, sit on me?" "Don't tempt me."

"There is now a level zero."

"There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness."

"I'm not the big fat panda, I'm THE big fat panda."

There are also couple of memorable lines from the movie that served as a reminder to me even during my low times. Here, let me share from memory:

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." - Oogway

and of course,

"The secret ingredient is.... NOTHING!" ("You")


Friday, May 27, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Summer Sunset


We enjoyed this sunset today as we rested on the hammock under the mango tree.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Malunggay Farm Developments - Moringa Flower

Surprising developments on our malunggay farm indeed! Due to the recent dry spell, I was impressed when I passed by one morning to find out that the moringa trees blossomed and produced fruits! Yes, I was moved that much because these moringa plants mean a lot to us.

Thanks for your visit!

An update: we are now selling moringa oleifera seeds by the kilo. please visit my page here
Sharing photos....



Moringa flowers can be harvested after the 8th month of propagation. The tender flowers are better, of best choice. The flowers can be taken as tea. The flowers can also be fried and added to soup or scrambled eggs. Yes, we've tried a recipe and they have a taste similar to mushrooms with a hint of nutty flavor. From the moringa flower you can obtain both potassium and calcium.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Make Money Monday - Get paid for watching YouTube
Get paid for watching YouTube!

It's a two-year running and legit earning online site I found recently thru the leading buy and sell site in the Philippines. I'm still new here as a member (about a week) and so far I earned 40 credits already. It isn't much at this time, but I hope it will be when I post this ad on all the profiles I have on the social networks.

Paid2Youtube is already up for more than a year and has yet to wait approval from PTC investigation sites if it delivers as it advertises. I've heard pretty good reviews from other users though, and two members whom I met online said they were already paid 14 dollars via Paypal. It's easier to navigate and use, what's more you will earn by simply viewing videos. (mostly adverts for the moment) It's the same as the PTC sites.

To earn, you will need:

Personal Computer
Regular internet use
Paypal Account (No Paypal yet? Sign up here. IT'S FREE)
Internet Connection

What are you waiting for? Sign Up now